Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welcome Cora Louise Larsen!

As many of you may have heard, Cora Louise Larsen was born July 9, 2012 at 10:45 pm.  I don't know the real value of sharing her weight and length, but in case you were wondering, she weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and was 17.5 inches long.  However, at her doctor's appointment a few days later, she was measured at 19.5 inches.  Sterling and I are so, so happy to have her here and can't wait to have her meet you!  If you are in the area, please don't hesitate to call and/or stop by.  We like our friends :)  

This may be my favorite photo of Cora thus far.   I feel like it just captures her chill, pleasant self quite nicely.  Sterling and I feel so lucky to have a baby that we often have to wake up to feed.  And if she does want to be fed, she quietly lets out a few little whimpers as if to say, "Excuse me, please.  When you get a minute, if you wouldn't mind, may I please eat?  Thank you."  It's kind of great.  I know that this may not last forever (or maybe she's saving up for those lovely pre-teen years!), but we are enjoying while it lasts.  Just look how sweet she is...

This was taken the day after she was born.  

5 minutes after she was born.  The goopy stuff in her eyes is just medicine that the nurses put on.   

This is another one of my favorites.  I love looking at her little mouth for some reason.  

Here is Sterling and Cora at her first doctor's visit.  She does this shifty thing with her eyes that makes us laugh.  

Here's the token "here's what I look like right after 23 hours of labor, sweat and pain, but now I have this beautiful baby" photo.  It's true though.  Holding her for the first time was the most wonderful thing imaginable.  Such a wonderful day.  Can't believe that we get to have her forever and ever.  Sterling and I feel so blessed.

Our friends, Nate and Sachi Jepson came to visit us the day after in the hospital.  They were so great and brought me a salmon sushi roll.  I had been craving sushi my whole pregnancy so the fact that they brought me some is kind of a big deal!   Nate and Sachi are Cora's adopted uncle and aunt.

Sterling's cousin, Sherrie, also came to visit the day after.  It's great that she lives so close and we get to see her so often.  

Sterling with Cora at the hospital.  Doesn't he look paternal?  (That's what my Grandma Alyce said and I agree!)  I'm already convinced that Sterling may be one of the best fathers out there.  He loves his little Cora so much.

The day before she was born.  


  1. Cora and your beautiful family are so blessed! can't wait to hold her!! =) thank you for the preview sunday night!!

  2. Oh Bren, I had a little tear looking at your pictures! You are a beautiful mother and Cora is so lucky to be born to you guys. So glad you had a good experience. Isn't it heaven?

  3. You were in labor for 23 HOURS???? Oh my gosh. Cora is gorgeous. You all look so happy! Can't wait to come meet her.


  4. YAY for Team Larsen !! She is beautiful and soo are the both of you....:-) Thanks for the wonderful update !..thinking of you and all my "what do I do now" moments I had with Maxx...LOL !! enjoy ! kiss her for me !! xoxo love ya !

  5. Bren I can't WAIT to see her! She is beautiful. Congratulations on such a sweet little baby! Miss you and hope to see you soon when things calm down a little bit for you! :)

  6. I am so happy for you guys!!


  7. Hi it is your darter Cora I found the pictures of me
