Monday, May 7, 2012

"Nesting." It's a thing.

All of the baby/pregnancy books talk about this pre-baby phase called, "nesting."  I don't think I quite understood what it was, until about a week or two ago.  Suddenly, I feel the need to have everything perfect for when the baby comes in 9 weeks.  (What?!)  I just have this completely unrealistic expectation that we should have EVERYTHING in place for when out little baby girl arrives.  Here's just a few of the things that I think should be done.  It's like I'm having this crisis that I won't be able to do ANYTHING once she is born.  Again--I realize this isn't that case because I have seen women continue to do things after they have children.  I've heard the first 3 or so months are a bit crazy, but eventually, it seems like women can still work on projects, clean, cook, go on trips, hang out with friends, and such.  Here's a glimpse of my list that I think should be completed before July 11th.

1.  Organize all of my photos from high school (Is our baby going to care if this happens?  No. No. No.)
2.  Sew a car seat cover, nursing cover, baby clothes, Bobby pillow cover, and nursery linens (No biggie...)
3.  Do all of my family history (I know, this isn't even something that can be "completed.")
4.  Make pain au chocolat (It's been on my list of things to bake forever now and will only add to my weight gain.  But they are so good!)
5.  Organize all of my recipes (Because I'm sure I'll be whipping up gourmet dinners for huge parties the whole month of July.)
6.  Plan out our 90-day food storage (with menus) and purchase everything for our 72-hour emergency kits (You never know what will happen!)

The ironic part of this all is that fatigue sets in again during the third trimester.  Maybe I'll go take a nap...


  1. Haha! Bren, the thing I love the most about this is you talking yourself down after each item. You are so cute and I'm excited to see you SOON!

  2. Hey, Bren! I have had the nesting thing SO bad with this third pregnancy. Like you said, the problem is that I have all the ambition in the world, but none of the energy needed.
