Friday, September 14, 2012

Utah Trip (A Wedding and a Blessing)

Me, Sterling, and our dear Cora, August 12, 2012
A few days before Levi and Carly's wedding, we decided to bless* our dear Cora.  It was so wonderful to have so many family members there and even a few friends from DC that happened to be in Utah at the time!

(*For those reading this who aren't familiar with ordinances in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, infants are given a name and a blessing in the Church, usually when they are a few weeks old.  This is different than the traditional Christian infant baptism.  In fact, isn't a baptism at all.  This ordinance is performed by priesthood-bearing men, most often the family's friends, and the father of the infant.  They stand in a circle, holding the baby in the middle with their hands on his/her head.  Whoever is giving the blessing (in this case it was Sterling), gives her a name that she will be known by on the records of the Church.  He also blesses her with specific characteristics and traits, as directed by Holy Ghost. Children are baptized when they are 8 years old.)

As Sterling was giving the blessing, I couldn't help but recognize how grateful I am for such a wonderful husband that loves me and our daughter so much.  It is still hard to believe that I am actually a mother.  Maybe it never will sink in.  All I know is that I love this little girl in my arms so much.  Every morning when she wakes up, I smile and think how glad I am that she is ours.  Forever and ever.  Nothing will ever change that.  

Sterling, me, Cora, my mother, and my father

Cora with her Great-grandma Patty and her Great-grandma Alyce.
You have some pretty wonderful women in your life, Cora!

In typical Cora fashion, she fell asleep right after the blessing.  

Cora with her Grandma Carol

We are so glad that "Aunt" Lori and "Uncle" Tom were able to make it.  I am still not quite sure how Cora is related to Tom and Lori, but that doesn't matter because they are some of the most wonderful people I know and I am going to make sure that some of them rubs off onto Cora! 

Four generations.  Great-grandma Alyce, Grandma Nikki, me, and Cora
So, the real reason we went to Utah in August was to be there for for my brother Levi's wedding.  Aside from honestly wanting to be there for my brother and his lovely bride, Carly Ostler, I just had to see how the wedding turned out!  Instead of doing wedding colors, she decided to let the people wear what they wanted--with an emphasis on sequins and leopard print! It was pretty awesome.  As I expected, it totally looked awesome.  My brother and her (along with all of their friends) are pretty stylish people, so it worked out.  Unfortunately, I don't have the rights to any of those pictures, but here is one of the married couple at the reception, below.  P.S., for the reception, they built a little for and served just doughnuts and milk.  And chocolate milk.  So fun.

Levi and Carly (now) Jackson

For the rest of our time in Utah, we travelled around, visiting with family and friends. 

Cora with her Great-grandma Mary Jo

Cora with her Great-grandma Louise. Cora's middle name is Louise, after her.  

Cora with Grandma Nikki 

1 comment:

  1. I love her blessing dress! Also, I want to see more pictures from the wedding. It looks like so much fun!
