Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Development (in my belly!)

8 weeks
10 weeks
12 weeks
Oh!  It has been way too long since I have blogged.  Now seems like a great time to start up again.  We are going to have a baby!  And it's going to be born July 11th--give or take, I'm sure.  It's happening and we are so, so excited.  Tomorrow we find out the gender and we probably won't be able to sleep tonight.  Right now the baby is still kind of an abstract idea, but I imagine seeing it during the ultrasound tomorrow will make things a little more real!  I am 19 weeks along right now and have been feeling little flutterings in my belly since about 16 weeks.  What an incredible sensation!  Sterling and I were talking about last night how the baby is at the point where he/she can hear.  Sterling was so excited, so guess what we did last night?  Yes, we read to the baby.  We were just going to read just one children's book, but we ended up reading three as we ate our late night snack of peanut butter and honey sandwiches :)  Romantic, huh?  It was actually.

Sterling and I have been joking that once we know the gender the floodgates of consumerism are going to burst open.  Up to this point, we have been less tempted to buy baby stuff because we don't know whether it is a boy or girl.  I mean, we bought white onesies at BabyGap one day, but that is all.  It helps that we know that we are moving to Australia in October, so we can't really get into the crib/dresser/nursery thing.  That will save us a lot of money right now.  We are going to be there for 6 months, but we will be in a fully furnished place, so we'll just take our little pack-n-play and go and worry about the nursery thing when we actually get a place with 2 rooms.  Right now our little one bedroom doesn't really have much room.  It'll do for the 3 months before we go to Australia.

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