Tuesday, February 21, 2012


19 weeks
We are having a girl!  She's in my belly this very second.  Now we are at about 20 weeks and I can feel her moving around even more!  Secretly (or not so secretly), we were kind of hoping for a girl...  Is that bad?  Maybe it's because I didn't have any sisters growing up?  Or maybe it's because girls are more fun to shop for? Either way, it just is so exciting now to start to planning for life with this Larsen girl.  I had to go to work right after we got the ultrasound, and let me just say that that probably wasn't the best idea.  I was pretty distracted.  Fortunately, I didn't have to stay at work long.

That evening, Sterling and I went and got the blessing dress that we saw a few weeks ago at BabyGap to celebrate.

blessing dress

The day before, Sterling got me this really great diaper bag for Valentine's Day.  It has a little changing pad and bottle carrier thing and everything.  It's "legit." 

 I know, that's not your typical Valentine's Day gift, but he totally surprised me and I love it.  It actually can pass as I purse and I've been using it already, 'cause why not?  For date night we bought her a book called, Bedtime for Mommy. 

 It's my new favorite.  The illustrations are great.  This little girl puts her mom to bed by helping her lay out her work clothes for the next day and reading her "Anna Karenina" before she turns out the lights.  Kind of awesome.  

I realize that this is a very worldly post about things that we have bought.  As a disclaimer, these are the ONLY baby things we have (besides a pack of onesies).  I don't want people out there thinking that we are crazy.  (Well, I guess you can think that if you want...)  Anyway, what I am trying to say is that we can't wait to be parents and are so grateful that we have the opportunity to raise this little girl.  Thankfully, we know that God is going to help us out!  In my next post, I will go deeper into the psyche of the expectant mother...  

Sterling is at his ceramics class tonight.  I miss him.  Blogging is the way I cope :)  


  1. You are such a cute pregnant lady, Bren! And congrats on the girl. I had a girl due last July, it's very exciting!
