Friday, September 30, 2011

Living the Life in DC---Photos from Daily Life

Outside of the Kennedy Center.  We went to this crazy modern music concert for date night.  The band  made music with rubber bands and pieces of old futons and stuff.  I don't know if it was necessarily my type of music, but a cultural experience nonetheless! 

Here is Sterling outside of the Kennedy Center the same night.  For the record, he didn't want me to take a picture of him by himself.  He just looked so handsome.  I had to take a photo of him.  

Amazing, right?  One day we met downtown and got pastries at Paul's Bakery after lunch.  I totally devoured much the most amazing chocolate croissant ever made.  For you DC-ers, it is right across the street from the National Archives. 

I got kind of side-tracked while we were packing and Sterling caught me!  I forgot how many cool cookbooks we have...

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