Friday, September 30, 2011

Our New Home

We just moved back into the neighborhood where Sterling and I met each other.  Romantic, eh?  It really is, though.  Every day I can walk by my old house and be reminded of the awesome doorstep scenes we had at my old house while we were dating.  (I don't think the lady across the street appreciated them very much, though!  She would always turn her porch light on and off as if to signal us that it was time for us to go our separate ways.)  Aside from being nostalgic, our new place is great for so many reasons.  Ready?  These are the reasons:

1) WAY cheaper than our old place,
2) a yard,
3) a covered porch outside of our bedroom big enough for a table, couch, and grill,
4) close to our friends,
5) walking distance from the metro,
6) tons of storage space, and
7) a good decorating challenge!

The first thing we did when we moved in was take down the hideous valance and scrape the wallpaper off in the kitchen.  Sick me out!

This was the biggest mess.  Not only one, but two layers of extremely ugly wallpaper!

Sterling hard at work.

These cool cabinets left by the previous tenants were also covered in wallpaper.  Who thought this was a good idea?  It is obviously not.  I am smiling because I am happy to be looking at Sterling (who was taking the photo), not because of the wallpaper!

Yay!  They got clean. (And Sterling's photos above)

How did we get so much stuff?  We have only been married a year...

So much better.  Ahh......  We need another accent color.  Gray maybe?

We love it here.  I mean, it is a bit smaller and we don't absolutely love the wood paneling in the living room that the landlady won't let us paint, but it is home.  It's where we make a life together.  And THAT is pretty wonderful.  Come visit us.  You can sleep on the couch.

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