Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Cooking Challenge: 1,000 Recipes

Julie and Julia, anyone?

I have decided to embark on my own adventure in the realm of cooking.  Staring this week, I will be cooking through a cookbook:  The Kitchen Bible--1,000 Family Recipes from Around the World.  My goal is to do this in 3 years--by April 2014.  Few things make me more excited than trying out a new spice or watching bread rise so I feel that this goal is appropriate.  This new endeavor requires that I cook things like quail eggs and rabbit.  Fortunately, we live in an area where you can actually get things like that without too much of a problem. :)  I am ridiculously excited about this adventure. Stering seem to be, too.  If we get a bit chubbier in the next little bit, please don't judge.


  1. This is such a great project for you! I'm excited to read about your culinary adventures.

  2. That is such a fun idea!! I sure wish we were still doing our dinner group so I could taste some of your amazing creations!! YUM!!

  3. You are giving me the munchies... this is an inspiration :) Good luck, look forward to reading about many yummy things!

  4. Wow, Bren, so exciting!! The first three look absolutely delicious!
