Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Everything is coming up daisies--or marigolds

Here is our urban garden.  Actually, we are just growing marigolds for our church primary class.  We love them and all, but we just don't quite trust them to remember to water their plants every day.  So, Sterling and I bring all of these plants to church every week so the kids can water their plants and see how much they have grown.  It's pretty exciting.  Maybe by Mother's Day they will have flowers?  One girl is hoping for her flower to be blue.  How do you break it to her that we just don't have control over stuff like that?  Panic attack of the week:  Luke's plant started to die.  I don't want to be the cause of a 3-year-old's heartbreak... 

1 comment:

  1. Cute! You guys are probably the best Primary teachers of all time. Actually, I'm pretty sure you are, since you lug flowers to and from church every Sunday!
