Friday, July 22, 2011

Chocolate DOES go with Everything!

Carrot, Orange, and Fennel Watercress Salad (see Salads for recipe)
Sterling's  Tilapia with Dark Chocolate and Saffron Sauce

Our dear friends Nate and Sachi got engaged last week (woot, woot!)  so we decided to have them over to tell us their engagement story.  The last time we saw them, we were saying how chocolate goes with everything.  I challenged this statement by saying that chocolate doesn't go with fish.  Sterling took on the challenge to serve chocolate and fish.  Today he successfully met the seemingly impossible task!  We (happily) ate fish with a rich, dark sauce made from Ghiradelli's chocolate, saffron, and a pinch of cinnamon.  This recipe was not part of the cookbook, but I consider it extremely important to this blog because it demonstrates how awesome Sterling is: creative, innovative, determined, and extremely handsome.  :)

Sterling's  Tilapia with Dark Chocolate and Saffron Sauce

To be honest, he made this on his own, so I will get the "official" recipe from him, but this is what he did:

Olive oil
Salt and pepper

For the sauce
Ghiradelli's dark chocolate (1/2 bar)
Oilve oil
1/8 tsp powdered saffron
pinch of cinnamon

1.  Bake tilapia.
2.  Melt the chocolate in the microwave with a tiny bit of vegetable oil.  Add saffron and cinnamon to taste.  Drizzle over the fish so it looks all fancy.  I bet this sauce would be good over pretty much anything, especially ice cream :)

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