Thursday, December 13, 2012

Week #9: Rice is Nice


Since Cora is now about 5 months old, we decided that we should introduce her to some solid food.  In true Larsen form, she totally devoured it!  The bowl was literally licked clean.  Feel blessed that the 13-minute video of her eating is too big to download on our computer.  (Our internet connection is like molasses...) 

Cora's first rice cereal experience
Cora' second rice cereal experience
This is her new interest.  She'll stop whatever she's doing to watch us drink out of a water bottle then put her hands out.  
Back to the subject of rice—we went out to Indian food last week for date night.  I was totally that crazy woman that asked the server when he came to get our orders, “Does this have diary in it?”***  and, “Does this have diary in it?” and, “I know this has dairy in it, but could you make it without?” 

After a lengthy conversation with the waiter, I decided on a lamb and spinach thing—made specially without cream--for me.  It was really good, though.  Then we got our check. Don, don, don…  Rice was an extra $7 for the both of us.  What????  Since when does rice cost money—let alone $7?  I can get a whole bag of it for less than that.  I was feeling sassy that night and wanted to tell the guy, “If you want to be all authentic, you shouldn’t be charging for rice.  Guaranteed, they don’t charge for rice in India.”  I kept my mouth shut and we paid the stinkin’ bill.

***I have gone about 10 days without dairy and Cora’s skin is so amazingly better!!!  I was totally skeptical, but her skin is now soft, clear without any sort of rash or anything.  No oozing, no flaking.  It’s a real miracle.  Sometimes I find myself just rubbing her head and smiling.   

In order to prove to others (and ourselves) that we are all cultured and stuff, here is are the books being read in our home as of late.  And the Book of Mormon, in case you were worried.

Sterling:  The Hunger Games
Sterling is totally into these books the last few days.  I mean, if I leave the room to brush my teeth or grab a glass of water, Sterling will pick up the book to squeeze in one or two more pages before bed.  I kind of love it.  And at dinner, I get the play-by-play of each chapter.  Sterling and I joke that being married is awesome because you can read books vicariously through each other.

Bren:  The Guernsey Literacy and Potato Peel Pie Society and The Happiness Project
So, I’m in our ward book club so I can make some friends J  And to read, of course.  Last month we read The Guernsey Literacy and Potato Peel Pie Society.  I totally enjoyed it.  It was about the German occupation in the Channel Islands during WWII.   That’s the great thing about book clubs—I would have never just picked up this book by myself.  But talking about it with other people makes it so much for meaningful.  I learned a ton about history and stuff.  I totally recommend it.  Our friend, Natalie Field hosted the meeting and guess what she made?  A potato peel pie!!  And a beautiful chocolate cake, ‘cause you need chocolate, too, right? 
(I’m tempted to turn this into a book review, but I’ll restrain.  If you are contemplating reading it, I would say do it.  Hard to get into at first because the story is written in letters to and from the different characters, but once it gets going, it’s a good read.)

I am hosting book club next month, so I get to choose the book for January.  I chose The Happiness Project.  It seemed like a good idea.  But Sterling and I have been reading it aloud to each other and it seems a bit cheesy.  Like a self-help book.  Good ideas for increasing happiness, but written in a rather contrived, boring voice.  Now I have a whole bunch of women having to read it because I told them to.  How embarrassing, right?  I hope it gets better.  There is so much pressure in picking out books (and movies) for a group.  I don’t like to be the one responsible for how someone else spends his/her time.  I mean, I know that no one has to read it, but still…

Cora:  Sounds
Cora got a free board book when she got her 4-month immunisations entitled, Sounds.  She likes it from what we can tell.  She especially likes the cow page when you say, “Moo” really lound and dramatic  Sterling does it way better than I do, though.  Maybe it’s a “dad thing.”

We got to go to the Embassy Christmas Party and be all cool like that.  Actually, it was a pretty casual affair.  There was a moon bounce, cotton candy, and a cookie contest.  Now, cotton candy is one of those things that I will never buy, but if it is there, I will shamelessly line up with the 5-year olds for my free spun sugar.  Not just once.  But twice. 

Cora got her photo with Santa at the party.  I love how chill she is.  She doesn’t seemed to impressed with the whole thing.  

Cora with Santa at the Embassy party.  They seem to be communicating telepathically.  Very cool, Cora.
And here's two Cora videos--just for good measure.  Mostly grandparent material, but feel free to watch :)

Until next week.  (Sterling and I will make a special effort to do something blog-worthy :)

1 comment:

  1. Bren! Just caught up on your blog and an loving all of it. So happy for you all that the dairy fast seems to be effective!! Well, sorry for you but seriously what a blessing that nurse spoke up and you tried it. Sweet Cora. I need to bust out the rice cereal too but I'm seriously dreading the mess. And oh my heart goes out to you on the parental advice. Few things are as upsetting, I'm so sorry. And there's never a perfect response either. Yuck. I can't believe your Christmas tree, you guys are amazing! Hope it was a happy new year too. Xo
