Saturday, September 15, 2012


People often ask us what it is like to be new parents.  We would like to be able to smile and confidently assure them that we have the whole parenting thing figured out.  Unfortunately, it is hard to have such confidence when your child gives you faces like the ones below...

Fortunately, she also likes to laugh, too.  Unfortunately, the photos below were taken when our friends were babysitting her when we went out for our anniversary :)

Truth be told, Cora is the happiest, smiley-est, most content baby I know of.  Last night she came with us on "Date Night" as the 3rd wheel, but she didn't really even make a sound.  She just sat in her stoller, happy to be there! 

Sterling's brother, David, and his fiance Annie came for Labor Day weekend.  Cute couple!
(We are excited for you guys to get married in December!)

At the DC LDS Temple Visitor's Center.  We went with David and Annie on that Sunday because they had never been to this temple before.  We had fun watching lots of videos together in the Visitor's Center!
Check them out at  So great.

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