Friday, March 11, 2011

Spicing up life.

To show our commitment to living in Arlington for the next little while, we painted our living room wall a golden yellow.  (Unfortunately, our dear apartment complex requires that we paint it back to "antique white" when we move.  Lame!)  As soon as we finished painting, Sterling and I started planning the next painting few projects:  a red wall by the desk, a dusty lavender bathroom, and maybe a splash of apple green in the bedroom.   I guess I have heard that paint fumes can be addicting. We will try to stop...maybe...


  1. Oh, I would love to paint so much. I have this ongoing fantasy about painting grey horizontal stripes on the brick wall in our living room. And it would be so easy! The bricks are already there, making lines to follow! That's so fun that you can paint. The antique white will look extra lame when it covers up the golden yellow. Pictures? I would love that.

  2. So...sad story... We don't have a camera that works right now, making it very difficult to have an interesting blog! We just need to get a new battery charger and then we are back in business. I will definitely post photos when we take pictures! How are you doing? I loved the Colors of the Wind recording you posted :) Awesome.
